The Future of Workers’ Comp Is NOW – Fundamental Changes in The Workplace and a Discussion About What Lies Ahead
How are workforces evolving? As time moves forward, companies and organizations still operate in ways shaped by the pandemic. At the 2023 Workers’ Compensation Institute Educational Conference, industry leaders addressed generational issues and practical concerns growing within the workforce. Learn about complexities in remote and on-site working environments and the trending innovations for day-to-day operations. […]
Risk Management as a Strategic Imperative – Getting the Message to the C-Suite/Board
Today’s risk management issues are faster and more complex than ever before. Organizations must be vigilant in monitoring and managing challenges stemming from insurance market fluctuations, emerging cyber risks, increasing nuclear verdicts, and pulsating pressures on the workforce. This environment thrusts the spotlight on risk management while elevating professional prominence and visibility within the C-Suite […]
Achieving Return to Work with Empathy – Practical Solutions
What is the definition of empathy? How is empathy incorporated into your return to work (RTW) program, and if not, how do you propose it changes? During the 2023 Workers’ Compensation Institute Educational Conference, a panel of experts broke down practical ways to implement empathy in your program. Discover what active/reflective and empathetic listening is […]
How to Evaluate and Effectuate Settlements?
A belief unanimously shared in the Workers’ Compensation claims handling industry is that the best possible outcomes are either a complete trial win or a financially favorable settlement. At the 2023 Workers’ Compensation Institute Educational Conference, experts addressed the “best practices” to help prepare for both outcomes. Through both employer and claims management perspectives, specific […]
Cumulative Trauma Claims
While many workers’ compensation claims involve a specific injury or event, cumulative trauma claims can involve injuries that occur over a longer period. This timeline creates both challenges and opportunities to achieve a better claims outcome. At the 2023 Workers’ Compensation Institute Educational Conference, a panel explored some foundational data and opportunities to more effectively […]
The Impact of Comorbidities
We all know how much pre-existing conditions can affect the outcomes of your claims. They can prolong disability time frames, exponentially increase claim costs, and more. At the 2023 Workers’ Compensation Institute Educational Conference, a medical panel discussed the barriers that can occur from comorbidities and how to avoid their associated pitfalls. Speakers included: Zack […]
Blending Technology with Human Touch
At the 2023 Workers’ Compensation Institute Educational Conference, presenters provided an in-depth review of strategies, tools, and innovations to assist employers with Return to Work (RTW) initiatives. Uncovering the resources for employers to prioritize Return to Work programs, this session discusses the latest technology trends, artificial intelligence, and how the human touch helps promote workplace […]
The Compounding Effect of Social Media on Claims
Social media has revolutionized our daily lives, as it provides an outlet for constant recognition and acknowledgment. How do we maintain employee advocacy while still thoroughly investigating a claim? What investigative tools can we utilize to achieve the best outcome for the employee and the employer? Should we investigate to confirm or deny an employee’s […]
Slips, Trips, and Falls… Still the Uncontested Leader of Claims After All These Years
One of the leading causes of work-related injuries is slip, trip, and fall claims. To address this business risk, it is important we understand what causes these events, and determine the standard of care and best practices to consider when looking for solutions and risk treatment options. In this session at WCI’s 2023 Workers’ Compensation […]
Carrier Resources to Help Drive Down Losses
Are you using the benefits provided by your insurance partners to their maximum benefit? Are you familiar with available training resources? Are your loss runs customized to fit the goals of your organization? Between the analytical capabilities of your TPA, the on-site training and specialized services of your excess carrier, and the business management insight […]