Carrier Resources to Help Drive Down Losses
Are you using the benefits provided by your insurance partners to their maximum benefit? Are you familiar with available training resources? Are your loss runs customized to fit the goals of your organization? Between the analytical capabilities of your TPA, the on-site training and specialized services of your excess carrier, and the business management insight […]
Winning Strategies for Workers’ Compensation Risk Management
This session at WCI’s 2023 Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference highlighted program strategies from the three winners of National Underwriter’s 2023 Excellence in Workers’ Compensation Risk Management Award. Bryan Conner, Manager of Workers’ Compensation, American Airlines American Airlines has a massive workforce, employing over 100,000 workers. These jobs are physically-demanding, including roles ranging from ticket agents […]
Outcomes of a Workers’ Compensation Early Intervention for Delayed Recovery Program
During a session at the RIMS 2018 Annual Conference, Denise Algire, Director, Risk Initiatives | National Medical Director, Albertsons Safeway Inc and Michael Coupland, Network Medical Director, IMCS Group Inc. discuss how specific claims and medical management steps can prevent delayed recovery of your injured workers. Early intervention objectives include identify employees at risk for […]
Preventing Delayed Recovery
Marcos A. Iglesias, MD, MMM, FAAFP, FACOEM, Vice President and National Medical Director, The Hartford, lead a discussion on practical tools and techniques to help minimize employee’s disability and delayed recovery during a session at the WCI’s 2017 Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference. Delayed recovery is the deviation from the happy path. Work means identity to […]