SAWCA Regulators Roundtable

At the 2022 Sothern Association of Workers’ Compensation Administrators (SAWCA) All-Committee Conference, a panel of industry regulators discussed some of the challenges they are facing. Represented states included: Colorado Delaware Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi New Mexico South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Wisconsin Maximum Indemnity Benefits There are concerns from state regulators that low wage […]

How Workers’ Compensation Is Evolving Post-Pandemic

Workers’ compensation began as a system for injured workers in the early 1900s. Since that time we have seen numerous changes within each state system evolving to where we are today; however, the basic construct of workers’ compensation has remained the same. The last several years have ushered in many new practices within the workers’ […]

NCCI State of the Line Report

At the 2022 NCCI Annual Insights Symposium, NCCI Chief Actuary, Donna Glenn, presented the annual State of the Line Report. This includes workers’ compensation data from NCCI states on primary workers’ compensation policies. The highlights were as follows: For calendar year 2021, workers’ compensation had the lowest combined ratio of all property-casualty lines. In some […]

Is Insurance Enough When Employees Travel?

Illness, injury, violence and potential unrest. When employees travel abroad for business, there are multiple risks that have the potential to create foreign exposures for the employer. This session at the RIMS 2019 Annual Conference & Exhibition addressed available coverage and its capacity to adequately protect employees during international travel. Speakers included: Andrew Miller, Director […]

The Universe of Workplace Wearables Emerges—Now What?

When you combine the ability to collect workplace data with evolving data analytics and machine learning you can improve productivity, worker safety and fraudulent and exaggerated claim rates. During a session at the RIMS 2018 annual conference, Eric Martinez, Founder and CEO, Modjoul, Inc., and Lance Ewing, EVP Global Risk Management & Client Services, Cotton […]

Outcomes of a Workers’ Compensation Early Intervention for Delayed Recovery Program

During a session at the RIMS 2018 Annual Conference, Denise Algire, Director, Risk Initiatives | National Medical Director, Albertsons Safeway Inc and Michael Coupland, Network Medical Director, IMCS Group Inc. discuss how specific claims and medical management steps can prevent delayed recovery of your injured workers. Early intervention objectives include identify employees at risk for […]

Protecting Your Employees and Enterprise Against the Hidden Threat of Workplace Bullying

Each year, workers’ compensation, sexual harassment and discrimination claims and lawsuits start with bullying. Employees play a critical role in helping your organization to understand the implications and develop and implement strategies to eliminate this ugly hazard. A session at the RIMS 2018 Annual Conference discussed how to protect your employees from hidden workplace violence. […]

ADA vs. WCC – Return to Work & the Interactive Process

What does it mean to return to work for a work related injury versus a non-industrial injury? What is reasonable accommodation? What is are the consequences for failing to accommodate adequately? At the 2017 CWC and Risk conference a panel leads a discussion on return to work and the interactive process. The panel included: · Matthew […]

Understanding the Intersection Between Employment Law and Workers’ Compensation

Understanding the intersection between employment law, the interactive process and workers’ compensation is complicated. At the 2017 California Workers’ Compensation and Risk Conference, Negar Matian, Managing Partner, Matian Law Group, Dana Peterson, Senior Partner, Seyfarth Labor Law Firm, and Darin Hampton, National Safety Coordinator, International Paper Company, led a conversation to explain the intersection between […]

Employer and Stakeholder Panel: State of Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is constantly evolving with new case law and legislation around the nation every year. Because of this, managing a workers’ compensation program is a huge challenge for risk managers. At the CWC and Risk conference Mark Walls lead a panel discussion around the state of workers’ compensation.  The panel included:  · Janine Kral, […]

Safety National is a proud sponsor of Kids’ Chance of America, a charity that provides need-based educational opportunities and scholarships for the children of workers seriously injured or killed on the job.

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