WCRI Studies: Why Do Surgery Rates Vary / Impact of Provider Choice

Christee Yee from WCRI presented the finding on their study regarding variation from surgical rates in various states. In many states, the back surgery rates in workers’ compensation are following the rates also seen in group health. However, there are states with significant gaps between the back surgery utilization and reimbursement rates comparing workers’ compensation […]

Workers’ Compensation Fee Schedules:  Price Impacts & Perverse Effects

At the WCRI Annual Conference Rebecca Yang (WCRI) and Barry Lipton (NCCI) led a discussion around workers’ compensation fee schedules. Mr. Lipton presented results from an NCCI study on the impact of fee schedules. The question on the effectiveness of fee schedules focuses on how workers’ compensation reimbursement rates compare to that of group health. […]

Physician Dispensing: Costs and Consequences

At WCRI 2015, the panel of Vennela Thumula (WCRI), Dongchun Wang (WCRI) Alex Swedlow (CWCI) and Artemis Emsilie (myMatrixx) tackled this topic.   Eighteen states have made changes to their rules regarding physician-dispensed physicians with a focus on pricing. Four states (PA, NC, TN, FL) also put limits on the timeframe that physicians could dispense. […]

Impact of Affordable Care Act on Workers’ Compensation: Case Shifting

The opening sesson at the 2015 WCRI conference focused on whether the ACA was leading to case shifting in workers’ compensation.  The speaker was Richard Victor, President & CEO of WCRI. One of the biggest concerns with regard to ACA’s impact on workers’ compensation is the risk of increase case shifting from group health to […]

This week Conference Chronicles will be at WCRI in Boston

This week we journey to Boston for the annual WCRI Conference.  Check back here later this week for postings on the great sessions we will be attending.  

Safety National is a proud sponsor of Kids’ Chance of America, a charity that provides need-based educational opportunities and scholarships for the children of workers seriously injured or killed on the job.

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