Workers’ Comp Doctors’ Prescription for Medical Intervention

Opportunities to manage workplace injuries to their optimal conclusions evaporate when claim handlers ignore medical intervention’s power. Important elements may be lost, including the potential to identify risk factors that can delay recovery, the ability to uncover non-work injury causations, and the efficient coordination of claims-service providers. In this session at the 24th Annual National […]

Achieving Excellence in Medical Treatment

The delivery of quality healthcare is key to mitigating the rising costs of chronic health conditions, lengthy disabilities and stubborn workers’ compensation claims. Arthur M. Southam, M.D., EVP, Health Plan Operations at Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc. and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals kicked off the 24th Annual National Workers’ Compensation & Disability Conference with this session […]

Affordable Care Act: A Workers’ Compensation Update

At the 2015  Workers’  Compensation Educational Conference in Orlando, David North, President and CEO of Sedgwick and Richard Victor, Executive Director of WCRI, spoke about how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is currently impacting workers’ compensation and how it will continue to impact the industry in the future. The Affordable Care Act is having a […]

It’s Time to Change Workers’ Compensation

Dave North from Sedgwick opened the Harbor Health Systems 2015 MPN Medical Directors meeting with a keynote address discussing the need for change in our approach to workers’ compensation claims handling. It is important for us to keep perspective of the scope of what we do in workers’ compensation.  Every day in California, 850 people […]

The Evolving Healthcare Model: The Impact of ACA on Workers’ Compensation and Beyond

Consider the implications to your organization of possible changes in access to care, consolidation of providers and facilities and the use of accountable care organizations. All this is rapidly becoming a reality under the changes to our healthcare system brought on by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). How will this impact your business? What steps […]

Impact of Affordable Care Act on Workers’ Compensation: Case Shifting

The opening sesson at the 2015 WCRI conference focused on whether the ACA was leading to case shifting in workers’ compensation.  The speaker was Richard Victor, President & CEO of WCRI. One of the biggest concerns with regard to ACA’s impact on workers’ compensation is the risk of increase case shifting from group health to […]

How the Affordable Care Act is Affecting Employers

The Impact of Healthcare Reform was listed as “hot topic” at the California Workers’ Compensation & Risk Conference, a session where stakeholders gathered to gain better understanding of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its impact on workers’ compensation. This session was moderated by Mark Walls, Vice President Communications & Strategic Analysis at Safety National, […]

Safety National is a proud sponsor of Kids’ Chance of America, a charity that provides need-based educational opportunities and scholarships for the children of workers seriously injured or killed on the job.

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