Fee Schedules and Workers’ Compensation Case Shifting

At the 2016 WCRI Annual Issues & Research Conference, Dr. John Ruser and Dr. Olesya Formenko from WCRI discussed a not-yet published study on the impact that medical fee schedules can have on case-shifting in workers’ compensation. Studies have shown that a fee schedule changes not only change the price paid for services, but it […]

State Initiatives: Success of Medical Cost Containment Measures

At the 2015 National Council of Self-Insurers Annual Conference, Natasha Moore from NCCI discussed the effectiveness of medical fee schedules and other cost containment measures that states have recently implemented. Characteristics of a well-defined fee schedule include: Specific maximum reimbursement rates for procedures instead of reimbursement based on a percentage of billed charges. Being comprehensive […]

Workers’ Compensation Fee Schedules:  Price Impacts & Perverse Effects

At the WCRI Annual Conference Rebecca Yang (WCRI) and Barry Lipton (NCCI) led a discussion around workers’ compensation fee schedules. Mr. Lipton presented results from an NCCI study on the impact of fee schedules. The question on the effectiveness of fee schedules focuses on how workers’ compensation reimbursement rates compare to that of group health. […]

Complex Issues Faced by Multiple Jurisdictions

At the 2014 IAIABC Annual Conference in Austin, regulators are discussing a variety of complex issues they are currently grappling with. Among the issues discussed were: Hospital Fee Schedules In states that do not have hospital fee schedules, the standard for payment is usually “reasonable and customary” charges. The question becomes, how do you determine […]

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