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Successful Safe Patient Handling Programs for First Responders

From a risk management perspective, patient handling injuries to first responders remain a frequent and severe source of loss and expense to public entities. This reality is indicative of the need for cultural changes that will result in first responders consistently using body mechanics and equipment properly; even in the…

Workplace Violence: Assessment & Response

Over 2 million workers are victims of violence every year. In their latest article on, Mark Walls, Vice President Communications & Strategic Analysis, and Kimberly George, Senior Vice President and Senior Healthcare Adviser at Sedgwick, share tangible tips on how to assess, train and respond to violence in the…

Workplace Violence: Assessment & Response

Over 2 million workers are victims of violence every year. In their latest article on, Mark Walls, Vice President Communications & Strategic Analysis, and Kimberly George, Senior Vice President and Senior Healthcare Adviser at Sedgwick, share tangible tips on how to assess, train and respond to violence in the…